Downloading Spacelords
Downloading Spacelords

downloading Spacelords downloading Spacelords

Application should be completed with all required information, including technical sketch/ drawing of submitted product. If your company does not already have an account to use on-line application tool, please contact FINA office for details (e-mail: DELIVERY OF SAMPLES: IMPORTANT: None of applications submitted in any other form than through on l ine application tool will be accepted, consequently will be deemed as not submitted. The samples and duly signed application forms should be sent to the FINA at: The complete applications, printed and duly signed by applicant including respective samples and material samples, have to be received by the FINA office on or before the date of the official submission.Īpplications received at the FINA office after the Submission Date will not be considered. Tel: +41 21 310 47 10 CONTRIBUTION TO ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXPERT/TESTS COST.

downloading Spacelords

(for the same combination used through different models it will be calculated only once) For each combination used in construction of submitted swimsuit: 475 EUR.(for the same material used through different models it will be calculated only once) For each fabric/material used in construction of submitted swimsuit: 375 EUR.Application for each model of Swimming Goggle: 750 EUR.Application for each model of Swimming Cap: 750 EUR.Application for each model of swimsuit / wetsuit: 1000 EUR.It is reminded that the contribution payable in regards of approval procedure is not meant to be a source of profit for FINA but have the purpose of covering the administrative and technical costs of the process, including notably the costs of testing and any required scientific research.Īccording to the clause 5 of the FRSA the contribution fees applicable for the submissions in 2021 are as follow:

Downloading Spacelords